--- la vague pool

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--- la vague pool
The Vague pool is a creation dead center of the Vague wolves land- the outer edge of the pool is build largely with the same magic that encases the perimeter of the lands home. the walls rise for about half of the entire height of their home, and water rolls down the side of it, pushing water into the ground of the entire enclosure. stairs rise up the center of the pool on both opposing sides, made of a black marble like substance, to the top of the large pool where you can find many of the Vague wolves swimming with the wild life of the oceans. Anything you can find within an ocean- you can find in here, all types of non-dangerous fish, with rainbow light tricks, bouncing off the edge of the pool. But the most magnificent thing out of the whole pool- is at the center of the pool rises a pressure, which shoots water out of the top of the pool to spray across the entire enclosure, supplying the inhabitants of their land with a fresh spray of water every few seconds. But the water shoot turns colors depending upon the time of day and how high the sun is within the skies, the clear water completely translucent.
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