--- lunar de librum

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--- lunar de librum
along the outer wall there is a secret passageway within the coral rocks that reside within the side- among the rest of the lore, and the proof this is the only place out of them all that has been along the outer wall for as long as they have been within their home. Upon the entrance to the large villa like compartment it's a small area to squeeze into but if your small enough you can fit two wolves into the entrance at once. It's told that only the Vague wolves themselves know where the entrance within the coral is. water is half filled to the middle within the entrance catacombs, the water a crystal colored hue to the water, but miraculously the moon above the ocean drifts into view within the liquid abyss, henceforth the name. But, as you wade within the depths of the cave like compartment the water gradually rises to fill the entire cavern. And as you continue traveling inward, the hall gradually gets larger until you reach the heart of the cave, filled with water- which appears to have gleaming silver stars floating at the top of it's depths, and the crystal clear view of the moon, for the magic which creates it's enchantment allows it to be always night time.
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